
Students’ wellbeing is an important part of their education to ensure they can meet their potential.

Learn how you can improve wellbeing in your school.

Our responsive approach

Our wellbeing PLD is driven by hauroa – a Māori philosophy of health and wellbeing that helps students be educated and prepared for what they are about to face in life. Our consultants recognise how important brain chemistry is in students’ wellbeing; in order for young people to fully engage in learning we understand that they need to feel safe, significant and have a sense of purpose. 

We support teachers/kaiako to establish student-led communities of inquiry centered around engaging provocations. Deliberate facilitation of these conversations promotes oral language and critical thinking skills in an inclusive, safe environment, and equips students with the skills to discuss ‘big questions’, share fears and explore wonderings.

Student and teacher voice shows the wider impact of working on wellbeing in this way, building learners’ confidence to speak, their listening skills, self-esteem, teamwork and resilience.

Our Wellbeing PLD works to:

  • Help students think independently
  • Promote understanding about co-operation, which in turn support children to deal with conflict and seek resolutions
  • Promote student’s voice
  • Activate listening and empathy skills for both teacher and student
  • Allow students to seek other’s point of views
  • Increase oral language capabilities
  • Develop caring attitudes and foster respect
  • Help the teacher become a facilitator of learning for students

Access free PLD via the regionally allocated fund

Contact us today to get started